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Smithers-Oasis BIO FOAM as a packaging Material

“Happy Birthday - Ma” My kids like to make crafty stuff for all of us in the family.  This was an art project where my kids took a ceramic tea pot, painted it and then turned it into a “watering…

Filtration System

Viva La Fish

This is the second and final installment of testing foam in aquariums as the filtration media. To recap what is happening with the experiment. The first round of testing was comparing an under the substrate filtration systems.  The difference is…

Sky Is The Limit

Sky is the limit for our Engineers

You may have noticed a new section in our applications tab called “Sky is the Limit”.  The reason is quite simple. We are pushing the bounds with our applications and solutions using newly gained foam technology to Smithers Oasis Engineered…

Smithers Oasis Engineered Products’ QMS Implementation

We manufacture temperature-controlled tertiary packaging solutions for the biggest names in the cold chain industry, both food and pharmaceuticals.  Our products are phenolic foam bricks, a key component of an “ice brick” refrigerant used in temperature controlled packaging solutions. These…

Locomotive Bumpers

Train Locomotive Bumpers and Pedestrian Safety

Did you know it takes a freight train, travelling at full speed, over 1 kilometer to come to a complete stop?  We at Smithers Oasis Engineered Products did not know this little factoid.  A few engineers, physicists, and professors took…

Dmitry and 3-D Foam Vultures

Every so often we hear from our friend in the Ukraine.  Over the holidays he was taking some of the high density (HD) foam and making some vultures. This guy is a jack of all trades with foam. From designing…